Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Taxi Drivers for No campaign begins

Taxi Drivers For NO

The Commission for Taxi Regulation established in September 2004 has helped destroy the liveliehood of Taxidrivers.

Corrupt politicians have helped destroy our economy and forced many thousands into unemployment.

Junket John O’Donoghue and Brian Clowen now tell us to vote Yes.

With NAMA they are grabbing our tax money and handing it over to banksters,
With Lisbon they are grabbing our power and handing it over to EU bureaucrats.

Make them listen, Vote NO.

Taxi drivers, Vote No to Lisbon and show this government that:

Taxi drivers are angry, organised and demand change;
Taxi drivers will defend our job, our national democracy and economic future

We must vote No to Lisbon because:

1. Lisbon gives the EU the power to tax us. (art 311)

2. Gives the EU full control of immigration policy (art 79 and 76) and allows Turkish entry.

3. Halves Ireland’s vote at the EU Council of Ministers

4. EU Court decisions mean lower wages and worse conditions.

I am a full time taxi driver in Limerick. I believe the Lisbon Treaty Referendum is our last opportunity to protect our Irish Constitutional rights.

A NO vote is the quickest way to get rid of Brian Cowen and be in a better position to end Taxi deregulation and put a limit on new taxi licenses.

What we must do:

1 Put a No to Lisbon sticker on your taxi.

2 Give out No to Lisbon leaflets.

3 Tell other taxidrivers, your wife, children, relatives and friends (300,000 people) to vote NO.

4 On polling day (Friday Oct 2) go to high No vote areas and offer free lifts to the polling station.

Taxidrivers for No is not aligned to any political party.

Please contact me and help Taxi Drivers for No

Clem Hackett,
PH: 086 3836989

23 Carrig Drive, Dooradoyle Est., Limerick.

Aligned to Democratic Alliance campaign group. Media contact Hermann Kelly 0863233083

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